Friday, February 15, 2008

Top Ten List of the accomplishments of the Chakri Kings of Thailand

1. Consititutional Monarchy / Democracy (Rama VII, King Prajadhipok Phra Pok Klao Chaoyuhua)
* Lays the blueprints how Thailand is run today, and give voice to the people allowing more love to go around.
2. Bangkok as Capital (Rama I, King Buddha Yot Fa Chulalok)
* Increase economical gain and improved defense.
3. Common people are allowed to see the king ( Rama IV, King Mongkut – Phra Chom Klao)
* It shows that the king is a more approachable figure and people are no longer killed when they look at the king.
4. Abolished Slavery (Rama V, King Chulalongkorn Phra Chulachomklao – Piya Maharaj)
* Equality and Freedom
5. Grand Palace (Rama I, King Buddha Yot Fa Chulalok)
* Establish a symbol of hope and power for the people.
6. Thai Flag Made (Rama VI, King Vajiravudh Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua)
* Better image of the country and give a symbol to the world.
7. Chulalongkorn University (Rama VI, King Vajiravudh Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua)
* Further studies for Thai citizens and important reform in education.
8. Visited every province of Thailand (Rama IX, King Bhumibol Adulyadej)
* Gain knowledge about peasant life, and improve their enviroment and quality of life.
9. Ramakien Written (Rama I, King Buddha Yot Fa Chulalok)
* Important accomplishment of Thai literature and mythology.
10. Supported the Allies in WWII (Rama VI, King Vajiravudh Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua)
* Give thailand a place in the world and give thailand a good relationship between world powers.

By - Songyee, Benz and Nut

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Song Dynasty

Song Dynasty
Map of Song Dynasty

The Song Dynasty lasted from 960 to 1279 AD. It was divided into two periods which are the Northern Song lasts from 960 to 1127 AD and the Southern Song 1127 to 1279 AD. [1]

Northern Song [ 960-1127 AD ]

Southern Song [ 1127-1279 AD ]

The Rise to Power

The rise to power of the Song Dynasty started when the second ruler of the Later Zhou Dynasty, Shizong died. He made his six-year old son succeed his throne in 959. The soldier's are unstatisfied with this judgement and made a coup d'etat against the ruler and made General Zhou Kuangying (Emperor Taizu of Song) the new emperor in the following year. [2]

Emperor Taizu of Song, the founder of the Song Dynasty

Leaders of the Civilization

Emperor Taizu of Song [ Zhao Kuangyin ]Emperor Taizu of Song or Zhao Kuangyin, whom is the founder of the Song Dynasty reigning from 960 to 970 AD. He reunited China as a whole by a series of seige and campaign to take over different parts of China. He also replace and relocate many different Chinese official to reorganize the government system to loyal to the monarch. He is eventually succeeded by his brother after his death. He was also known for his martial arts skills. [3]

Emperor Taizu of Song

Emperor Taizong of Song [Zhao Kuangyi]Emperor Taizong of Song or Zhao Kuangyin is the younger brother of Emperor Taizu. He invaded the Northern Han territory in 979 and truly unified China as a whole. In his reign, he organized many system including agriculture. He died in 997 and left his throne to his son. [2]

Emperor Taizong of Song

Emperor Gaozong of Song [Zhao Gou]Emperor Gaozong of Song or Zhao Gou is the tenth emperor of the Song dynasty and the first emperor of the Southern Song. He fled Northern Song to the south which became the start of the Southern Song period. He was forced to abdicate his throne to his infant son but has later regained his position in the first three years. He signed a peace treaty for ending the war for the territories of Southern Song. He finally abdicate his throne in 1162 but lived until 1180. [2]

Emperor Gaozong of Song

Leaders From Other Civilization
Pho Khun Si Intharathit [1238 - 1270 AD]He founded the Sukhothai kingdom and the first Thai dynasty, Phra Ruang. By establishing his own territory from the Khmer control and tax, he created the first Thai land after the migration from South of China. His throne was succeeded by his son, Ban Mueang. This was around the end of the Song dynasty in China. [5]

Pho Khun Si Intharathit

Technology -

Gunpowder - Gunpowder was put to use widely as weaponary in the Song Dynasty. Before the 11th century, gunpowder was used only as a celebration accessory to be put in those firecracker. IN the Southern Song Dynasty, gunpowder was put to use in warfare as a cannonball and flamming arrow. [7]

Moveable Printing Types - It was invented earlier before but was not put into use until the Song Dynasty. When printing was put into common use, there is an increase in the literacy rates in China due to the inexpensive texts. There are wider access to books which were once labriously copied by hand which leads to an increase of candidate for the government seats. [8]

Compass - Chinese scholar in the Song Dynasty has found a way to magnetized iron needles and putting them in water to make a first generation modern day compass. This enabled the Chinese to sail as far as the Middle East without geting lost with the help of the compass. [9]

Economy -

Paper Money - China is the first nation in the world to put paper money into use. This is due to the problem of the old money currency which were copper coins hung on strings. It is a heavy load to be carried around so the paper money is put into use.[6]

Transportation - There was an increase in market and trading. Though there were still heavily dependent on donkey, there was an alternative of using the water and river. While the camel are used by traveling across desert to the other side of the country. [5]

Bibliography -

[1] Noll, Bernice, and Paul Noll. "Song Dynasty Map." Paul and Bernice Noll Website. 10 Jan. 2008 <>.

[2] Beck, Sanderson. "Ethics of China 7 BC to 1279 by Sanderson Beck." Literary Works of Sanderson Beck. 2005. 14 Jan. 2008 <>.

[3] "History of the Northern Song Dynasty." Melan?on Enterprises. 5 Dec. 2000. Melan?on Enterprises. 14 Jan. 2008 <>.

[4] Chan, Nicholas L. "Portraits of Chinese Emperors." Portraits of Chinese Emperors. 6 June 2007. 14 Jan. 2008 <>.

[5] "Sri Indraditya." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 14 Jan. 2008 <>.

[6] Schirokauer, Conrad. "He Song Dynasty in China." Asia Topics in World History. 2006. Columbia University. 14 Jan. 2008 <>.

[7] "Tqgunpowder." ThinkQuest. ThinkQuest. 16 Jan. 2008 <>.

[8] "CHINESE INVENTIONS." ThinkQuest. 1998. ThinkQuest. 16 Jan. 2008 <>.

[9] "Four Great Inventions of Ancient China -- Compass." ChinaCulture.Org. 2003. Ministry of Culture, P.R.China. 16 Jan. 2008 <>.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Tunguska Event


What is a natural hazard?
The word natural means “of or pertaining to nature or the universe” and the word hazard means “something causing unavoidable danger, peril, risk, or difficulty” – From

Natural hazard is an unavoidable danger caused by nature. There are many types of natural hazard in our world. Some are rare and some are common, examples of natural hazards are tsunami, hurricane, landslides and earthquakes. They are unavoidable but there are ways to lessen the damage from these disasters. Human invents many tools to be able to try to predict the time and location of the disasters. But we are a long way away from trying to control them.

Reference + Images –
"hazard - Definitions from" 2006. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 3 Dec 2007 .

"natural - Definitions from" 2006. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 3 Dec 2007 .

Jeff, Rense. "Tunguska-Type Blast Repeat Causes Concern." Tunguska-Type Blast Repeat Causes Concern. 06 Dec 2006. Jeff Rense. 3 Dec 2007 .

Tunguska Impact, An Object From Space.

The Tunguska Impact is one of the rare natural disasters. It is an object from space that has not evaporated in the Earth’s atmosphere but exploded 4 miles above the surface. You may suspect why this doesn’t happen everyday. In fact is there are many asteroids that hit Earth everyday, but most of the asteroid is evaporated in the Earth’s atmosphere. The Tunguska asteroid is one of the larger kinds. Scientist suggests that if there is an asteroid of a larger size, there could be a dramatic climate change in the world. The damage of the asteroid has flattened many trees in the area, if the asteroid has struck somewhere else than Siberia, there would be many casualties and damage.

Source -
Jeff, Rense. "Tunguska-Type Blast Repeat Causes Concern." Tunguska-Type Blast Repeat Causes Concern. 06 Dec 2006. Jeff Rense. 3 Dec 2007 .

How and Why it Happen?
Nothing in this universe is predictable. There come a certain time where there would be an object orbiting close to Earth or even hit it. The chances are meek but it is possible. This asteroid has orbited and Earth is in its route. So the asteroid hits Earth, but is not evaporated by the atmosphere. It did still explode though, if it had not explode, it would have the destructive power of 60 nuclear arms in the current world.

Source -
"1908 SIBERIA EXPLOSION Reconstructing an Asteroid Impact from Eywitness Accounts." Planetary Science Institute. Planetary Science Institute. 3 Dec 2007

After Effects and Damage -

The effect of the asteroid is it has flattened 80 million trees of over 2,150 square kilometers. There was no casualty due to the isolated part of Russia. The damage that it has been done to the nearby village could not receive the aids from Moscow. They do not have the money to fund an expedition to Siberia. Siberia is a very remote part of Russia, so therefore no expedition was created. This impact was the largest impact of the century. As Russia was a LEDC country, the aids were hard to be given. The technological improvements were poor and the air technology was still in development. Most damages were on forest, nearby villages and hunters.

Source -
"Tunguska event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 3 Dec 2007 <>.

"BBC News SCI-TECH Mystery space blast 'solved'." Mystery space blast 'solved' 30 Oct 2001 03 Dec 2007 <>.


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